The Molino de Casilda Virgin Olive Oil, a new business project by Medina Cuadros, was unveiled to members of the prestigious Royal Academy of Gastronomy, official organization under the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.

The President of the Royal Academy, Rafael Ansón, accompanied by several members of the Board of Directors, and various specialists from the Spanish gastronomic sector, attended a meeting organized by the family Medina Cuadros where Amelia Medina Cuadros, General Manager of Molino de Casilda, explained the fundamental characteristics of this EVOO, which owes its name to Casilda González, the matriarch of the family.

The academics, passionate about gastronomy, had the opportunity to taste in a pleasant and enjoyable way the nuances of aroma and flavor of the different varieties of extra virgin olive oil of the appellation. “Molino de Casilda”:

Family Reservation

It is a unique coupage Extra Virgin Olive Oil of limited production, of the local varieties: Cerezuela de Villacarrillo, Royal and Matihuela. The brand “Molino de Casilda” filed for registration this last variety and it can only be found in their oils.

Early harvest picual olive oil

It is an Extra Virgin Olive Oil from picual olives harvested and milled in October.

Manuel Medina González, Amelia Cuadros Espinosa, Antonio Medina Cuadros y Amelia Medina Cuadros represented the family Medina Cuadros at this event, accompanied by Raul Rodriguez, Director of Institutional Relations of the Firm.

Among the guests were Rafael Ansón, President of the Royal Academy of Gastronomy, Ymelda Moreno, President of the Cofradía de la Buena Mesa and member of the Board of Directors of the RAG, Jaime Lamo de Espinosa, Member of the Academy and President of ANCI (National Association of Independent Builders), Elena Rodríguez, Director of the Royal Academy of Gastronomy, Miguel Garrido, current Secretary General of CEIM, was president of the Academia Madrileña de Gastronomía, José Mª Sanz Magallón. also served as president of the Academia Madrileña de Gastronomía, Juan Manuel Bellver, journalist and Director of Lavinia España, and Juan Manuel Bellver, director of Lavinia España. Fernando Riquelme, career diplomat and author of several gastronomic books, including “Delicatessen” published in 2018.

The Real Academia de Gastronomía is a Public Law Corporation whose main objective is to disseminate and protect the Spanish gastronomic culture.

The RAG has adapted to the needs of today’s gastronomy, directing its actions to vindicate it as one of the pillars of our culture and identity. For this reason, it has succeeded in getting the Gastronomía be considered Intangible Cultural Asset in the National Plan for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the MECD.
The Royal Academy of Gastronomy is working on defend the research, dissemination, promotion and protection of the different types of cuisine and gastronomic activities in Spain, in collaboration with its Association of Friends and the Autonomous Academies of Gastronomy and the regional administrations. in incorporating The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, together with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, will provide the educational system with the knowledge of food and taste education. In addition, is committed to specific training in gastronomy and health through the Royal Academy of Gastronomy Chair at the Alfonso X el Sabio University and its collaboration with the Complutense University of Madrid, collaborates with the Spanish Nutrition Foundation and the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality to improve the population’s nutrition, the prevention of obesity and the adoption of a healthy and balanced diet, cIt contributes to the dissemination of Gastronomic Tourism in collaboration with the Spanish Tourism Institute (Turespaña) and the World Tourism Organization, supports the promotion of Spanish agri-food and fishery products with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, disseminates the gastronomic-cultural heritage of our country outside our borders in collaboration with the Cervantes Institute and actively cooperates in the solidarity work of the Food Bank and the Mensajeros de la Paz Association.

In short, it promotes ahealthy, supportive, sustainable and satisfying gastronomy .